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A Queue executes tasks concurrently using multiple workers.


The Queue class is primary interface provided by the queue package. It allows users to execute an arbitrary collection of tasks in parallel across multiple R sessions, managed automatically in the background. Once a new queue is initialised, tasks can be added to the queue using the add() method. Once all tasks are added, they are executed in parallel by calling the run() method. When completed, run() returns a tibble that contains the results for all tasks, and some additional metadata besides.

Internally, a Queue uses a TaskList object as its data store and a WorkerPool object to execute the tasks in parallel. These objects can be accessed by calling the get_tasks() method and the get_workers() methods. Usually you would not need to do this, but occasionally it can be useful because those objects have some handy methods that allow finer-grained control (see the documentation for TaskList and WorkerPool respectively).


Method new()

Create a task queue


Queue$new(workers = 4L)



Either the number of workers to employ in the task queue, or a WorkerPool object to use when deploying the tasks.


A new Queue object

Method add()

Adds a task to the queue


Queue$add(fun, args = list(), id = NULL)



The function to be called when the task is scheduled


A list of arguments to be passed to the task function (optional)


A string specifying a unique identifier for the task (optional: tasks will be named "task_1", "task_2", etc if this is unspecified)


Invisibly returns the Task object

Method run()

Execute tasks in parallel using the worker pool, assigning tasks to workers in the same order in which they were added to the queue


  timelimit = 60,
  message = "minimal",
  interval = 0.05,
  shutdown = TRUE



How long (in seconds) should the worker pool wait for a task to complete before terminating the child process and moving onto the next task? (default is 60 seconds, but this is fairly arbitrary)


What messages should be reported by the queue while it is running? Options are "none" (no messages), "minimal" (a spinner is shown alongside counts of waiting, running, and completed tasks), and "verbose" (in addition to the spinner, each task is summarized as it completes). Default is "minimal".


How often should the task queue poll the workers to see if they have finished their assigned tasks? Specified in seconds.


Should the workers in the pool be shut down (i.e., all R sessions closed) once the tasks are completed. Defaults to TRUE.


Returns a tibble containing the results of all tasks and various other useful metadata. Contains one row per task in the Queue, and the following columns:

  • task_id A character string specifying the task identifiers

  • worker_id An integer specifying the worker process ids (pid)

  • state A character string indicating the status of each task ("created", "waiting", "assigned", "running", or "done")

  • result A list containing the function outputs, or NULL

  • runtime Completion time for the task (NA if the task is not done)

  • fun A list containing the functions

  • args A list containing the arguments passed to each function

  • created The time at which each task was created

  • queued The time at which each task was added to a Queue

  • assigned The time at which each task was assigned to a Worker

  • started The time at which a Worker called each function

  • finished The time at which a Worker output was returned for the task

  • code The status code returned by the callr R session (integer)

  • message The message returned by the callr R session (character)

  • stdout List column containing the contents of stdout during function execution

  • stderr List column containing the contents of stderr during function execution

  • error List column containing NULL values

Note: at present there is one field from the callr rsession::read() method that isn't captured here, and that's the error field. I'll add that after I've finished wrapping my head around what that actually does. The error column, at present, is included only as a placeholder

Method get_workers()

Retrieve the workers




A WorkerPool object

Method get_tasks()

Retrieve the tasks




A TaskList object

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


Queue$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


queue <- Queue$new(workers = 4L)
wait <- function(x) Sys.sleep(runif(1))
for(i in 1:6) queue$add(wait)
#>  Queue complete: 6 tasks done in 1.7 secs
#> # A tibble: 6 × 17
#>   task_id worker_id state result runtime        fun   args   created            
#>   <chr>       <int> <chr> <list> <drtn>         <lis> <list> <dttm>             
#> 1 task_1       6442 done  <NULL> 0.9304695 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> 2 task_2       6456 done  <NULL> 0.9950504 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> 3 task_3       6470 done  <NULL> 0.9944496 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> 4 task_4       6484 done  <NULL> 0.9273577 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> 5 task_5       6442 done  <NULL> 0.1153209 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> 6 task_6       6484 done  <NULL> 0.7462354 secs <fn>  <list> 2022-12-22 00:51:11
#> # … with 9 more variables: queued <dttm>, assigned <dttm>, started <dttm>,
#> #   finished <dttm>, code <int>, message <chr>, stdout <list>, stderr <list>,
#> #   error <list>